Mission Engagement Resources

Pivot is a leadership development resource challenges our traditional thoughts and beliefs about God's mission in the world and our role in that mission. Many of us have participated in short-term mission trips and wondered both about the impact on the local community as well as on our team. From the mission preparation, on-site experience and pivoting back home, this resource will help train and equip individuals and congregations to think critically about mission engagement internationally, regionally and locally. Pivot is co-authored by CBF field personnel Matt and Michelle Norman, who serve in Barcelona, Spain, and was edited by Ryan Clark..
To access the Pivot e-book, click here.
Contact Ray Johnson (rjohnson01@floridacbf.org) if you would like a CBF Florida staff member to assist in training and equipping members of your church for missional engagement.

Christians are compelled by their faith in Christ to travel the world for two reasons: pilgrimage and mission. Pilgrimage often focuses on personal transformation and spiritual growth while mission travel is primarily engaged with transforming the other person in front of you.
PilgriMission is a resource that challenges us to connect both of these means of transformations into one. This flexible curriculum created by CBF of South Carolina is designed for use by any short-term mission team before, during, and after their trip. CBF ministers, CBF field personnel, and CBF regional coordinators have written reflections that will help your group grow spiritually, theologically, and missiologically throughout your trip.
In PilgriMission you will discover three helpful sections:
1) Pre-trip studies to prepare your group
2) During the trip devotions that will give you a daily theme
3) Post-trip studies to help your group develop a discipleship of mission that encourages a long-term connection to mission both on the field and at home.
To learn more about PilgriMission, click here. Contact Ray Johnson (rjohnson01@floridacbf.org) for more information on how CBF Florida can connect you and/or your church to opportunities for combining pilgrimage and missions.
Mission Engagement Discernment Process
Churches often struggle in deciding how to take part in Missio Dei, the Mission of God in the world. It is no surprise that in seeking after such a lofty goal as the redemption of the world, we are easily overwhelmed.
As followers of Christ we are constantly bombarded by the experience of unjust circumstances and narratives of brokenness, both locally and globally. We want to be the presence of Christ in a hurting world not because we have it all figured out - because clearly we don't! We walk in the way of love because we are committed to following Jesus' example and because we dare to hope that in bearing one another's burdens, we are bringing about the kingdom of God on earth.
So how does a church determine what God is calling them to do when the needs of the world are so great? This decision can be a daunting one since no one congregation can meet every need and those who try end up spreading their resources so thin they are unable to minister with much depth. Is there a process that helps churches determine next steps for missional engagement?
If your church could benefit from discernment surrounding missional engagement, let us know! CBF Florida staff members would be happy to walk with you as you seek to live in to God's calling upon your church at this stage of your journey. If you'd like to get a sense for what this process might look like, you can take a look at a sample template here.